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May 14,2015

Author: Pete Watson

We all have goals that motivate us for different reasons. If you make a realistic goal and make a conscious effort to see it through, it will become a reality. Remember...procrastination is the thief of time. The days, the weeks, the months and the years will go by whether you decide to take action or not. Time waits for nobody! Now is the best time to take action. If you wait it could be months or even years before you decide to do something about your current situation and who knows how that may effect your future...don't let your failure to commit, your lack of effort, innability to accept change, let alone to embrace change. Your lack of self discipline, your lack of accountability, excuse after excuse rule over your "higher self". Don't let any "lack of" overcome your potential. Don't make another season go by and you revert back to saying the same thing..."If I'da!" Would have, could have, should have...but you didn't. Do what you could and should have done last week, last month, last year, ten years ago. DO WHAT YOU COULD AND SHOULD DO RIGHT NOW!!! DO WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO!!! Noxqsez! What are you waiting for? Get with the program!

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